Wednesday, July 11, 2012

DIY Laundry Detergent

I know this isn't food, but this is my blog where I like to store ANY recipe : )  I've read a lot of DIY recipes for laundry detergent, but this one really caught my eye.

1 (4 lb 12 oz) Box of Borax
1 (3 lb 7 oz) Box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
1 (3 lb) Container of OxyClean (This is optional but I highly recommend adding it)
2 (14.1 oz) Bars of Zote Soap
2 (2 lb) Boxes of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
1 (55 oz) Bottle of Purex Crystals Fabric Softener

Grate soap.  In large bucket (5 gallon) layer a bit of each ingredient, stir, repeat.  This was easier than dumping all the ingredients together then trying to stir them all at once.  Fill up the empty Purex bottle for easier dispensing.  Measure to middle line on cap.  Only takes about 1-2 tbs (yes, tablespoons!) for one load.  This bucket should last a year for about 6 loads a week.  You're welcome : )

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